About Faith Journey Publishing

Creating Pathways to Publishing for You

A Christian Publisher Creating Pathways for Women of Color

The Landscape

  • You are Unheard - Between 1950-2018, books by POC accounted for only 5% of works produced by major publishers.
  • You are Undervalued - The average salary for female writers is roughly 25% lower than that for males.
  • You are Unseen - After an author reaches 50, the likelihood of her being published plummets.

New York Times, "Just How White Is the Book Industry?", By Richard Jean So and Gus Wezerek, 2020/12/11.
Data USA, "Writers & Authors", Demographic Information on Writes and Authors Comparison with Age, Gender, and Occupational Salary.

Are You Our Next Author?

You are, if you believe you’ve been entrusted with a message rich in wisdom, birthed from a lifetime of experience that forged your unique journey.

At Faith Journey Publishing, diversity in Christian publishing is our calling. Founded in 2021 to pave the way for traditionally underrepresented voices, our press brings authors from a culturally varied landscape to the forefront. 

Our publishing team unites a wealth of experience and unique gifts to bring your manuscript to your soon-to-be-inspired readers. Let’s put your story before the world!

Submission Details

We are a Christian book publisher currently accepting submissions for a variety of fiction and nonfiction written by Black, Indigenous, Latina, Asian, or other women of color -who’ve walked at least 40 years of their life journeys. We welcome emerging talent or authors seeking a publisher.

Not sure if your manuscript is ready for the world? We have a path for you too! See our Submission Guidelines for how you can request a free sample edit today!

Ready to Start Your Journey? Meet Your Guides.

Mari Fitz-Wynn

Founder and Editorial Manager 
Mari is a motivational speaker, award-winning author, and 2018 United Arts Professional Development Literary Grant recipient. Her literary contributions include Three books: Take Heart 26 Steps to a Healthy Home School, Connect the D.O.T.S, God’s Whispered Dreams, and the powerful poetry collection RISE UP! Poems of Protest, Poems of Praise. Her contributions extend beyond individual works, as she has also lent her voice to four anthologies,The Timing of Everything Promised Vol. I & II , Connect Faith, and Moonstone Poetry, Family Tree: Anthology of Ancestors, and has been published in numerous magazine articles, show casing her versatility and depth as a writer.
Mari’s commitment to the craft extends beyond her works. As the founder of Faith Journey Publishing, she endeavors to guide aspiring and established writers in transforming their life experiences into compelling narratives and books that resonate across ages, cultures, and backgrounds. With twenty-five years of editing and coaching experience, Mari helps authors refine their manuscripts into gleaming gems.
In addition to her literary pursuits, she is a Silver member of the Christian PEN Proof Readers and Editors Network, underscoring her commitment to excellence in the written word for every project she undertakes.
Beyond her literary pursuits, Mari enjoys spending quality time with her adult children. Her diverse interests include the intricate world of jewelry design, songwriting and recording, and the delightful challenge of training her seemingly untrainable dog, Ducky.

Kimball McNeal

Publications Coordinator
Kimball is a gifted communicator, and contributing author to The Timing of Everything Promised Anthology. One day she hopes to write a book exploring wisdom and aging.
In her not-so-frequent spare moments, Kimball enjoys honing her grio skills by reading and listening to compelling interviews, serving at her church and exploring biblical history. While she and her husband live in Raleigh, N.C., she remains a loyal daughter of the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection and has a discerning palate for real cheese steaks, soft pretzels and water ice.